Call for papers is now open. Extended submission deadline: 7 June 2020 (final deadline).
The conference offers 50 free registrations for students. Deadline: 1 May.
The workshop is held in conjunction with the 2020 Conference on Artificial Life.
COVID-19 update: ALIFE 2020 is going to be hosted online. We have also decided to extend the submission deadline to accommodate those who would like to contribute but could not previously attend physically or would have missed the deadline due to COVID-19.
More details, including updated lower registration fees, are available on the conference website:
Aim of the Workshop
This workshop aims to bring together researchers who are interested in using agent-based modelling to understand human behaviour. It is a combination of agent-based modelling and behavioural science, which is a new and growing area of research. We want to build a focused group of people, bringing together many of the researchers in this young field. The motivation behind this workshop is to address some of the significant issues in psychological research today. Human experimentation can create ethical issues and has been increasingly difficult to conduct, making it more difficult to progress our understanding in the area. Alife models offer the capability to create realistic laboratories for which to conduct such experiments. A workshop in this area can encourage researchers to use behavioural modelling to assess, challenge or even replace competing theories of human behaviour. Introducing rigorous computational modelling to this contentious area will help strengthen the field of psychology and behavioural science.
Agent-based modelling has a long history of success in many related fields from economics and cooperative behaviours, to social conflict, civil violence and revolution. However, its use remains very limited in studies of how human interaction is affected by more complex aspects of human behaviour, such as personality, emotional state and conflict.
Our last year’s workshop, held in conjunction with the 2019 Conference on Artificial Life, was well-attended and hosted 10 speakers and an audience of 50 researchers from both academia and industry (2019 ABMHub website). During the discussion, the attendees agreed that an event gathering agent-based modelling researchers should continue in the future as it would encourage more work in this area and improve quality of research. Following the success of the ABMHub 2019 workshop, we want to build a focused group of people and continue bringing together many of the researchers in this young field.
2020 ABMHuB Workshop is held in conjuction with the 2020 Conference on Artificial Life.
Workshop Schedule
The Second ABMHuB workshop will be held on Friday 17 July 2020.
The workshop will start at 10:30 EDT (14:30 UTC 15:30 BST) and end at 13:30 EDT (17:30 UTC 18:30 BST).
Time | Title |
10.30-10.35 | Introduction from the organisers Kasia Kozdon, Soo Ling Lim, and Peter J. Bentley |
10.35-11.05 | Invited Keynote: Institutional approaches to cooperative governance of risky commons Speaker: Professor Francisco C. Santos (IST, University of Lisbon, Portugal) [website:] |
11.10-11.30 | Knowing what the bits know: social influence as the source of collective knowledge [pdf] Jeremy Pitt, Andrzej Nowak, Tomasz Michalak, Wojciech Borkowski and Robin Vallacher |
11.30-11.50 | Calibrating probabilistic cellular automata for agent-based modelling of real systems [pdf] Pranjal Dhole, Alexander Asteroth and Stefanie Meilinger |
11.50-12.00 | Break |
12.00-12.20 | Enhanced neural complexity is achieved by mutually coordinated embodied social interaction: a state-space analysis [pdf] Georgina Montserrat Reséndiz-Benhumea and Tom Froese |
12.20-12.40 | Evolution of cooperation between public and private healthcare providers with patients: an agent-based simulations study [pdf] Zainab Alalawi, The Anh Han and Yifeng Zeng |
12.40-13.00 | Modelling informal caring behaviours in the Scottish population [pdf] Eric Silverman and Umberto Gostoli |
13.00-13.30 | Discussion and Closing remarks |
Important Dates
All submission dates are time zone agnostic and can be read as "this date anywhere on Earth".
Submission deadline
Full paper: 7 June 2020
Extended abstract: 7 June 2020
Author notification
15 June 2020
Camera ready deadline
22 June 2020
ABMHuB workshop
July 2020
Call for Papers
Workshop themes
The workshop seeks to bring together ideas, approaches, concepts, and perspectives from agent-based modelling and human social systems. The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers from these connected fields, to engage across the disciplines, to inform of latest findings, to transfer discoveries and concepts from one field to another, and to inspire new ideas and new collaborations across the theme. Discussions of practical applications, ethical implications, and use cases from industry are also welcome.
Contributions will be invited in the following areas:
Information for Authors
There are two options for submission:
Please use one of the following templates to format your submission:
All submissions will undergo a peer review process. Extended abstracts will be reviewed for timeliness, novelty, and quality. Full papers will be reviewed for timeliness, novelty, scientific quality, and sound methodology.
Accepted full papers and extended abstracts will be published online in the form of workshop proceedings.
Submission Process
Please email your submission as a PDF file to Kasia Kozdon at
Organising Committee
Katarzyna (Kasia) Kozdon
University College London
Dr Soo Ling Lim
University College London
Professor Peter J. Bentley
University College London
©2020 ABMHuB